

Friday, 9 October 2015

There will be fireworks.......Mr Curmudgeon rides again.

Fireworks, Great aren't they? Organised displays are a lot of fun. Leeds castle in Kent has one synchronised with classical music. I have no problem if it is my choice to watch fireworks and I do understand that you cannot help hearing them around November 5th. I also know that all kinds of occasions merit fireworks. New Year, Guy fawkes night, Christmas and birthdays have all become worthy of displays. Why I don't know, we didn't need fireworks to celebrate at least three of those before.

OK so I'll put that down to change. What has changed for the worse is that there are fireworks going off for at least a week before and after some of these events. Around November the fifth there are fireworks nearly every night. Around Christmas there are fireworks randomly around the holidays. What this has to do with a religious holiday is beyond me but these days the same can be said for the  season itself., We even hear fireworks at Easter.

So people have so little fun in their lives that they need to let off fireworks to celebrate anything. The shops start selling them in early September and I understand many companies sell them all year round. This would tie in with the multiple events they are used for.

We are in a state of Austerity and many people claim not to have money for essentials yet packs of fireworks start from about £20. They get a lot more expensive. So how on Earth can people justify sending all this money up in smoke.

When I was a child fireworks were pretty and if they were going to make a loud bang they were called bangers. Modern fireworks seem to be judged by how loud they are. Many would not be out of place on a battlefield. Often we are seated watching TV and we are subjected to a barrage of bangs loud enough to rattle the windows. Given that this can be any time of year we never know when. A neighbour had fireworks at his barbecue in the summer, presumably to celebrate his not burning the food. Those with pets and small children must dread this time of year.

There is also the unregulated nature of home displays. There is no doubt that Children can get far too close to fireworks and, in November, an unguarded, large bonfire. Ask The fire or ambulance services if you don't believe me. They have to deal with the fallout. These things are dangerous and should only be seen at organised displays. Much as you feel you know what you are doing, fireworks and bonfires can be lethal. Fireworks were invented in China as weapons.

Oh yes and before you buy a super banger designed to make noises akin to a field gun, think about those who are forced to listen to it and who may not enjoy it as you do. And keeping this up from 7 or 8 till well gone midnight is anti social to say the least. Go to a display!

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